Tag: Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg likens Nvidia's Huang to Swift, recognizing dominance, AI alignment

Zuckerberg likens Nvidia's Huang to Swift, recognizing...

Zuckerberg likens Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang to Taylor Swift, acknowledging dominance....

Inside Edge
Meta Denies WhatsApp Ads Plans; Zuckerberg Hints Subscription Model

Meta Denies WhatsApp Ads Plans; Zuckerberg Hints Subscription...

Meta responds to ad speculations in WhatsApp, and explores early-stage discussions,...

Meta and Microsoft release free-to-use AI system Llama 2

Meta and Microsoft release free-to-use AI system Llama...

Meta's Llama will be released free for research and commercial use. It will be available...

Meta is now verified in India

Meta is now verified in India

According to rumors, the subscription costs ₹699 a month on iOS and Android3