Tag: Samay Raina

Inside Edge
Samay Raina Roasts Unacademy, Brands Keep Betting on Edgy Humor

Samay Raina Roasts Unacademy, Brands Keep Betting on Edgy...

Samay Raina roasts Unacademy’s 9th-anniversary event, sparking internet buzz. Learn...

Inside Edge
Brands Team Up with Samay Raina’s ‘India’s Got Latent’ Show

Brands Team Up with Samay Raina’s ‘India’s Got Latent’...

Samay Raina's quirky show "India's Got Latent" attracts brands like Spinny and POP,...

Inside Edge
Zomato celebrates 16th birthday with comedic roast show

Zomato celebrates 16th birthday with comedic roast show

Zomato Celebrates 16th Anniversary with Bold Roast Show Featuring Comedian Samay...