Celebrating Women: Prega News' #SheCanCarryBoth Billboard in Cyber Hub

Experience Prega News' innovative billboard praising working mothers for balancing careers and families, fostering recognition and support for women's resilience in Cyber Hub, Gurugram

Celebrating Women: Prega News' #SheCanCarryBoth Billboard in Cyber Hub

Prega News, a pregnancy test kit brand by Mankind Pharma, has unveiled an innovative billboard in Cyber Hub, Gurugram, as part of its #SheCanCarryBoth campaign. This unique billboard features a voice showering praise on working mothers as they pass by, thanking them for effortlessly balancing their careers and families.

The #SheCanCarryBoth initiative, launched ahead of International Women's Day 2024, aims to celebrate women who seamlessly manage their personal and professional responsibilities.

In a gesture of gratitude towards working women in the bustling corporate hub of Cyber City, Prega News installed the special billboard. As women walk past it, they hear compliments applauding their ability to handle both personal and professional spheres with grace and ease.

Joy Chatterjee, Associate Vice President and Sales & Marketing Head at Mankind’s consumer business unit, expressed the motivation behind this initiative. He highlighted the often-unnoticed efforts of women in managing various aspects of their lives and emphasized the importance of recognizing and uplifting them. The personalized messages aim to bring a smile to these women's faces amidst their busy schedules, acknowledging their resilience in every aspect of life.

Videos capturing the surprised and delighted reactions of women engaging with the talking billboard on their way to offices in Cyber Hub were shared. This outdoor activation brought the essence of #SheCanCarryBoth campaign to life through an innovative consumer experience.

Chatterjee further emphasized the brand's commitment to fostering emotional connections and raising awareness on women's issues through engaging content. The billboard activity encouraged women to seek support when handling heavy responsibilities and reassured them that it's okay to do so.

The #SheCanCarryBoth campaign and the Cyber Hub OOH display reflect the brand's dedication to progressive values and promoting women's advancement in India.