Bikano Comes Up With A New Range Of Delectable Chai Time Snacks

Bikano Comes Up With A New Range Of Delectable Chai Time Snacks
  1. The product line comprises 7 maida-based products that serve as perfect accompaniment to tea or any other beverages
  2. The seven products are Bhakar Badi, Tikoni Mathi, Gol Mathi, Matar Para, Methi Mathi, Mini Samosa & Chai Puri
  3. Each product comes in a pack of 200g and 400g
  4. Offering best combination of hygiene and taste, the launch aims to transform the hitherto unorganized nature of the maida product market
  5. The launch seeks to leverage the popularity of company products in the northern Hindi-speaking market
  6. Punjab, Delhi, UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, J&K Himachal Pradesh, MP & Chhattisgarh would be key markets in the initial phase

New Delhi, 31st August 2021: Close on the heels of releasing a wide range of masala-based savouries, India foremost packaged snacks brand has announced a new range of lip-smacking maida-based chai time snacks for snack lovers and patrons indicating continuity of intent towards aggressive product line expansion. With the maida-based snacks category largely remaining a part of the unorganized market so far, Bikano is entering the segment with intent to make it organized, offer branded product range and to ensure both hygiene & taste for patrons.

Particularly with an eye on the Hindi-speaking market, the launch of these products would not only add to the ever-expanding product portfolio of the snack company and boost its revenues, but also further cement Bikano position as one of the most popular and leading snacks brands in the country.

With these items, we not only wish to help patrons relive the tradition involving regular savouries that accompany their chai-drinking, but also expand the range of snack options that they often combine with their beverages. As such, these maida-based savories high on hygiene become a delectable complement to the tea or coffee that they often drink. Apart from satisfying their mid-meal cravings and filling the void in their snacking routines, because these are filling enough, these lip-smacking items can sometimes even serve as a substitute for regular meals when one is travelling, or is stationed in a remote place. Suitably filled in 200 gm convenience packs, they are easy to carry and consume anywhere anytime, said Mr. Manish Aggarwal, Director, Bikano.

Chai time snacks are a popular category in the Indian snacking market. Bikano new range of maida-based offerings attempts to provide salty and tangy snacks with the added goodness of taste and hygiene for its snack-lovers. Even during the tough Covid times, Bikano has continued to carry out market due diligence, maintain the spotlight on distribution and undertake brand-building through focused product campaigns with an eye on improving revenue growth. With COVID-19 showing no signs of relenting plus the fear of the incoming third wave, normalcy is unlikely to return in this quarter too. With all that in mind, we have started to build our innovation funnel slowly and this new range of chai-time snacks is one step towards it. With Bikano core competency being in the snacking segment, the launch of these products will give a further competitive advantage to the brand, said Mr Dawinder Pal, Head of Marketing, Bikano.

Punjab, Delhi, UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, MP and Chhattisgarh would be key target markets for the company in the initial phase. Each of the seven products comes in a pack of 200g and 400g targeted at both value and premium consumer segments.