Success is being proud of who you are and what you do

Success is being proud of who you are and what you do

Rubeena Singh, a mother who embraces the present, is the country manager for AnyMind Group, a Singapore-based software company, leading operations in India and the MENA region.

Working mothers often find it difficult to balance their commitments, especially when they must juggle several obligations. It's never easy to decide the obligations of employment or raising a child to prioritize. The battle with guilt is ongoing, she claimed.

According to Rubeena, the largest obstacle for working mothers is their shame. She mentioned how her professional obligations had prevented her from being present for some of her daughter's major milestones, such as her first steps. Her guiding principle is to follow her happiness, nonetheless.


"Women are viewed as being bad employees if they prioritize their children, and bad parents if they prioritize their work. When I returned to work six weeks after giving birth, working a few hours a day, I was under pressure to live up to the stereotypes of a bad mother and someone who seeks to avoid work.

"My mantra is always to do what you believe is right and makes you happy," she said.

Success, according to Rubeena, entails feeling good about yourself after becoming a mother. "Success, to me now, is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it," she remarked.


Rubeena gave this bit of advise to mothers who are interested in careers: "Avoid attempting to do it all. Your energy reserves are limited. It's a good idea to decline tasks that demand too much of your time and attention. Where assistance is needed, request it.


 According to her, priorities will shift with each stage of life, so it's critical to be fully present in one area at a time, both mentally and physically.

"Be present wherever you are. It's easy to consider employment while spending time with your children, and the opposite is also true. But doing so will simply make you feel conflicted about work and family. Make an effort to be present. Your family time will be more meaningful as a result, and your job time will be more effective. As a result, you'll be happy.


Rubeena expressed her happiness at having a daughter and claimed that hearing her speak instantly makes her feel better.

There are a lot of reasons why I love being a mother, but my favorite is the look in my daughter's eyes when she learns something new or finally understands something that she has been struggling with for a while.


"I can't express how happy it makes me to see her grin, chuckle, and feel proud whenever she accomplishes anything new. No matter how difficult my day has been, just hearing her describe it can instantly make me feel better and bring back my sense of serenity and satisfaction," she said.

The AnyMind stack satisfies the requirements and preferences of brands, producers, and publishers alike, according to Rubeena, who joined AnyMind Group as the Country Manager for India & MENA in January of this year.


The capacity of AnyMind to provide integrated, data-driven marketing solutions supported by borderless technology, created to assist brands and enterprises transcend borders, is the company's greatest strength.

AnyMind has the unique capacity to deliver integrated and comprehensive technology and solutions to satisfy customers' commerce and marketing demands, she noted, despite the fact that there may be many boutique shops offering specific solutions.


In her remarks on the significance of influencer marketing and the effect of social media on brands, Rubeena noted that "It offers numerous advantages including brand awareness, humanizing the brand, establishing thought leadership, driving traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, sourcing ideas, learning more about customers, and enhancing customer engagement and service."

However, it is regrettable that many brands still see influencer marketing as merely a box to be checked without carefully considering the goals and results.


"At AnyTag, we work with brands and agencies to create a tech-based, platform-centric approach that helps in enhancing the overall objectives of the brand," the spokesperson added.