Indian Television Witnesses Remarkable Surge in Viewership, Defying Digital Trends

TV consumption among younger audiences, aged 15-21 and 22-30, surged by 7.1% and 7.2% respectively, highlighting substantial growth in recent data

Indian Television Witnesses Remarkable Surge in Viewership, Defying Digital Trends

In a notable shift, Indian viewers have increased their weekly TV consumption by an extra 53 minutes compared to the previous year, reports IBDF. This rise in engagement defies evolving media trends, reaffirming a strengthened bond with the television medium.

IBDF's recent data for FY’24 reveals a remarkable 5.1% surge in Indian television viewership. This growth, particularly among younger demographics aged 15-30, surpasses the overall average, underscoring television's enduring appeal across diverse age groups and economic strata.

The upswing in TV viewership transcends regional and linguistic boundaries, encompassing 87% of India's TV populace, IBDF confirms.

K Madhavan, President of IBDF, emphasizes the Indian market's exceptional television growth, despite the rapid expansion of digital media. He underscores television's unique strength in long-term brand building, crafting narratives that resonate deeply with audiences across generations.

IBDF highlights the substantial contribution of Indian women, constituting a noteworthy 59% of the overall TV viewership growth. Their influence shapes and drives television consumption patterns significantly.

With an impressive 70% penetration and further growth potential in 90 million households, television maintains its status as the most extensive reach medium. A noteworthy 7% increase in Pay Household viewership, with 5.8 million households transitioning from Free-to-Air (FTA) to Pay, underscores the allure of quality programming.

The growth in television viewership transcends economic strata and town categories, spanning NCCS A, B, C, DE, metros, large cities, smaller towns, and rural areas, according to IBDF.

The data source for these findings is BARC, AdEx, as confirmed by the release. This surge in television viewership establishes a compelling narrative, showcasing the enduring and inclusive nature of television as a preferred medium in the dynamic Indian market.