Internet frenzy over Dark Parle G: Real or AI creation?

"Dark Parle G" captivates the internet, sparking speculation and memes. Is it a real biscuit or an AI-generated fantasy? Parle Products remains silent

Internet frenzy over Dark Parle G: Real or AI creation?

Parle G, the cherished tea-time companion of many in India, has recently found itself in the spotlight for an unusual reason. A mysterious variant dubbed "Dark Parle G" has sparked curiosity across the internet, leaving people questioning its authenticity and pondering whether it's a figment of AI-generated imagination.

Despite numerous searches, the elusive "Parle G Dark" or "Dark Parle G" yields no results on online shopping platforms, leading many to speculate that this rendition of the beloved biscuit may not actually exist. Nonetheless, this hasn't dampened the online community's intrigue, as discussions and memes about the phenomenon continue to proliferate.

The term "Dark," ostensibly alluding to a higher cocoa content in the biscuit, has also taken on a secondary meaning, serving as an innuendo for "dark jokes."

Parle Products, the company behind Parle G, has remained silent on the viral sensation, further fueling speculation. It remains unclear whether Dark Parle G is an AI-generated creation or part of a strategic marketing ploy aimed at generating buzz for a potentially forthcoming product.