Yandex is experimenting with a news tool for ad placement in Telegram chats

The tool allows you to create an external monetization solution and enable channels to generate more money by investing in fresh content for users

Yandex is experimenting with a news tool for ad placement in Telegram chats

Yandex, a technology corporation based in Europe, has begun testing a new tool for advertising placement in Telegram conversations. Yandex offers comprehensive advertising solutions in 50 countries globally, with over 350,000 advertisers using Yandex Advertising Network and an amazing average of 4.5 billion daily ad placements. Building on this wealth of knowledge, Yandex has now integrated its powerful advertising platform with Telegram, the popular messenger, allowing channel owners to monetize their content.  


Telegram has emerged as a popular messaging platform that connects people from all over the world, with a global monthly active user base exceeding 700 million. Unlike other closed platforms, Telegram is open for external integrations, allowing channels to earn more by investing in creating new content for users.


Using Yandex's expertise in providing targeted adverts, the business has tailored its own technologies to expressly cater to Telegram's chat service. Yandex ensures that adverts are positioned as effectively as possible by utilizing modern advertising algorithms. This connection offers advertisers a transparent approach that ensures fair bids and payment for legitimate clicks. 


Furthermore, integration eliminates the necessity for human channel selection; Yandex's neural networks consider the channel's theme and discover advertising that match the audience's interests. This automated procedure saves both channel owners and advertisers time and resources, allowing them to focus on delivering compelling content and reaching their target audience. 


Yandex developed a bot that will place advertising posts; all it needs is permission to publish messages.The frequency and timing of ad displays are completely under the control of the channel owner. Even channels with highly particular topics or those that are just getting started can now produce cash through advertising. 

Yandex has already begun accepting applications from channel owners and advertisers to participate in the testing phase. The channel must have at least 2,000 members, and the material must follow the laws and standards of the Yandex Advertising Network.