Ola Maps: The next frontier for GPS advertising?

Experts say Ola’s shift from Google Maps could save Rs 100 crore annually and open new monetization opportunities.

Ola Maps: The next frontier for GPS advertising?

Google Maps, an essential tool since its global launch in 2005 and its debut in India in 2008, has transformed into a platform for brands like KFC and Uniqlo to display their logos, turning it into a digital billboard. However, Ola's CEO Bhavish Aggarwal recently announced a significant shift as the ride-hailing service transitions to its in-built Ola Maps, powered by the company's Krutrim AI. This move is expected to save Ola Rs 100 crore annually by cutting ties with Google Maps. The pressing question now is: how much does Ola intend to earn from this change?

According to Sajal Gupta, Chief Executive at Kiaos Marketing, Aggarwal is not just focusing on cost-saving but also aggressively promoting Krutrim, his AI startup. Ola Maps, built on Krutrim, opens up several monetization avenues, including local advertising. Additionally, Krutrim's compatibility with multiple vernacular languages broadens its reach, aligning with the 'Make in India' initiative. Abhishek Upadhya, SVP at HiveMinds, highlights the synergy between Ola Maps and Krutrim Cloud, emphasizing the potential of these integrated systems to offer enhanced capabilities and services. The vibrant new map design, featuring clearer landmarks and shop names, indicates a user-centric approach, setting a strong competitive edge against Google Maps.

Megha Marwah, Vice President - Strategy at White Rivers Media, believes Ola's shift isn't just about cost-cutting and data control but also about exploring new revenue streams through location-based advertising and data licensing. She suggests Ola Maps could integrate with other Ola services, creating a seamless user ecosystem. Gupta and Upadhya agree that while advertising might be a secondary focus initially, the primary goal is to establish Ola Maps as a reliable tool, potentially licensing it to other businesses and industries. This strategic move towards self-reliance and innovation opens exciting possibilities for Ola's future growth and monetization.