Nutrica's #JaisaGharWaisaCookingOil: Tailored Wellness in Every Drop

Discover Nutrica's innovative cooking oils catering to specific health goals, revolutionizing kitchens with personalized well-being in every pour. #BreakTheBox

Nutrica's #JaisaGharWaisaCookingOil: Tailored Wellness in Every Drop

BN Group, a prominent player in the edible oil manufacturing sector, recently introduced a fresh marketing campaign for its new retail brand, Nutrica, under the hashtag #JaisaGharWaisaCookingOil. Crafted by GOZOOP Group, the campaign encompasses six TV commercials (TVCs), along with out-of-home (OOH) advertising, print media, in-shop displays, and various digital assets.

Embracing the belief that 'one size does not fit all,' the campaign shines a spotlight on the importance of selecting a cooking oil that aligns with specific health objectives. Through three product films, the campaign underscores the advantages of each variant: Nutrica Pro Immunity Oil, Nutrica Pro Energy Oil, and Nutrica Pro Fitness Oil, employing real-life insights to drive the message home.

Kiran Giradkar, Chief Marketing Officer of BN Group, shared his perspective on the campaign, stating, "Nutrica is more than just a cooking oil brand; it's a lifestyle choice that acknowledges and respects the unique health and wellness needs of every family. With our #JaisaGharWaisaCookingOil campaign, we aim to challenge the conventional norms and inject some excitement into a typically serious category." He emphasized the departure from clichéd visuals often associated with cooking oil advertisements, opting instead for a fresh approach that aims to instill pride in adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Mohit Ahuja, President of GOZOOP Group, explained the rationale behind the campaign, stating, "With a range of oils offering specific benefits, we saw an opportunity to showcase these benefits through relatable human behaviors rather than simply listing them. The creative team has succeeded in doing so admirably, infusing humor to break away from traditional advertising tropes in the category."

The digital commercials focus on three fundamental aspects of well-being: immunity, energy, and fitness. Available in six languages—English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam—the films will be distributed across social media platforms and television channels to ensure widespread reach and sustained communication.