News18's Interactive OOH Campaign at GroupM Offices: Engaging Election Coverage Sparks Buzz
News18's innovative OOH campaign at GroupM offices enhances election coverage, engaging employees with interactive experiences and prominent anchor interactions.

News18 has launched an out-of-home (OOH) campaign within GroupM offices as part of its General Elections initiative. This innovative campaign introduces an interactive experience, strategically positioned to generate buzz around News18's unparalleled election coverage.
A press release stated, "Employees at GroupM initially perceived the strategically placed branded screen as typical OOH media deployment. However, they were pleasantly surprised when the screen came to life, featuring News18 anchors speaking directly to them."
During the campaign, prominent News18 anchors such as Zakka Jacob, Managing Editor of CNN-News18, Rahul Shivshankar, Consulting Editor of Network18, and Rubika Liyaquat, Consulting Editor of News18 India, engaged in conversations with individuals in and around the GroupM office.
The initiative showcased the enthusiasm of GroupM employees in interacting with the anchors, underscoring News18's reputation as the premier destination for election coverage. This campaign highlights News18's extensive reach, experienced anchor team, on-ground presence, and diverse content offerings across television, digital, and social platforms, solidifying its unmatched and unrivaled programming.