FSSAI to tighten rules for protein supplements, according to report

The upcoming crackdown may lead to the prohibition of products not meeting new guidelines, affecting a wide range of non-compliant supplements

FSSAI to tighten rules for protein supplements, according to report

The government is preparing to launch a significant crackdown on the sale of protein supplements, powders, and shakes. These products either lack authorized medical certifications or make misleading claims. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plans to implement stricter regulations following an extensive study that revealed a disturbing trend. Many products available in stores, gyms, and online platforms purportedly offer health benefits despite inaccurate nutritional information.

An official from FSSAI expressed concern: "There are numerous protein products in the market that pose more harm than benefit. Our aim is to establish stringent norms to safeguard public health."

Sources close to the development suggest that the impending crackdown could potentially result in the prohibition of products that do not comply with the new guidelines. Ambrish Mithal, Chairman of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare, highlighted the issue of mislabeling: "Misrepresentation of protein products is widespread and a significant concern. Furthermore, there is ambiguity about the composition of such products."

Mithal emphasized the importance of regulated and medically guided consumption of protein supplements: "If one's regular diet does not suffice for protein needs, supplements can be considered, but they should be consumed in limited quantities under medical supervision.