Flying Beast grounded by Castrol in Copyright Battle
Flying Beast in hot water! Bombay High Court orders YouTuber Gaurav Taneja to remove videos after Castrol copyright lawsuit.

YouTuber Gaurav Taneja, aka the Flying Beast, has been ordered by the Bombay High Court to take down two videos from his channel after a copyright dispute with Castrol India.
The drama unfolded after Taneja participated in Castrol's "Castronomy" campaign, a global adventure where YouTubers experienced zero-gravity flights in the US.
However, Taneja uploaded two videos about his zero-gravity experience without mentioning Castrol or the "Castronomy" campaign.
The court sided with Castrol, ruling that the company owned the copyright to the content created during the campaign.
This legal battle serves as a reminder of the importance of copyright in the digital age, especially when collaborating with brands. Creators must carefully consider their contractual obligations and ensure that their content accurately reflects the terms of any sponsorship or partnership.