The Most Thoughtful Pride Ads That India Has Seen

In recognition of Pride Month in June, we highlight brands that have consistently advocated for the LGBTQ+ community.

The Most Thoughtful Pride Ads That India Has Seen

In June, the global LGBTQ+ community celebrates Pride Month, a time when many brands embrace rainbow themes to show solidarity with sexual minorities. Several Indian brands have embraced this spirit for years, launching campaigns aimed at inclusivity and challenging societal norms.

Colorbar Cosmetics, for instance, has championed 'All Colours of You' for years, collaborating with LGBTQ+ influencers to destigmatize men wearing makeup and celebrate self-expression through vibrant cosmetics. This year, their efforts included social media and live events featuring Sushant Divgikar, known as Rani Kohenoor.

Durex's '#TheBirdsandBeesTalk' initiative aims to fill gaps in sex education, particularly for adolescents, partnering annually with LGBTQ+ advocates like Laxmi Narayan Tripathi to raise awareness about puberty and related issues.

Noteworthy ad campaigns have also made their mark. The iconic Vicks commercial featuring transgender activist Gauri Sawant beautifully dramatized her real-life story of adopting a daughter. Similarly, Myntra's Anouk ad in 2015 depicted a lesbian couple navigating family acceptance, sparking conversation with its portrayal of intimacy. Fastrack's 2013 ad, where two girls metaphorically 'came out of the closet', was equally thought-provoking.

In 2017, Close Up's #FreeToLove campaign featured three taboo-breaking couples, including a pair of gay men, earning praise for its representation. Starbucks' #ItStartsWithYourName ad last year sensitively portrayed a transwoman's journey to acceptance, resonating well with audiences.

Despite these strides, broader media representations often stereotype gay men, depicting them primarily for comic relief, reflecting lingering societal attitudes towards sexual orientation as a matter of choice in India.