Zomato faces backlash for urging customers to avoid ordering food

Zomato criticized for requesting customers to refrain from ordering during peak afternoon hours amid a severe heatwave, sparking debate over responsibility

Zomato faces backlash for urging customers to avoid ordering food

Zomato recently faced criticism after urging customers to refrain from ordering during peak afternoon hours due to the scorching heatwave affecting northern India. While the intention was to safeguard the well-being of their delivery riders, many customers pushed back against what they perceived as placing the burden of responsibility on them rather than the company taking action.

Some suggested that Zomato should suspend their services during the hottest hours of the day instead of asking customers to alter their ordering habits. They argued that as a food delivery service, Zomato should prioritize the welfare of its employees by implementing temporary closures during extreme weather conditions.

Others expressed disbelief at the suggestion that customers could simply postpone lunchtime orders to dinner, emphasizing the necessity of food delivery services during peak hours. Some even questioned the sincerity of Zomato's plea, labeling it as a strategic marketing move rather than a genuine concern for their employees' well-being.

This isn't the first time Zomato has faced backlash for its initiatives. Previously, the company received criticism for its "green fleet" program, which aimed to exclusively deliver vegetarian food. The initiative was met with opposition, highlighting the challenges companies face when trying to balance social responsibility with customer expectations.