Britannia 50-50 & Ravi Shastri Unite to Find Next Biscuit Shape

Britannia, one of India’s most trusted and cherished nourishment brands, has taken a strong and energizing step to lock in its group of onlookers in a interesting way.

Britannia 50-50 & Ravi Shastri Unite to Find Next Biscuit Shape

Britannia 50-50 & Ravi Shastri Unite to Find Next Biscuit Shape

Britannia, one of India’s most trusted and cherished nourishment brands, has taken a strong and energizing step to lock in its group of onlookers in a interesting way. The company’s 50-50 brand has joined forces with cricket legend Ravi Shastri in a campaign to discover the another huge bread shape. Known for its famous sweet and salty combination, Britannia 50-50 has been a favorite nibble for millions, and presently it’s giving shoppers the chance to shape the future—literally.

Britannia 50-50 rolls have long been a image of fun and good cheer, and this unused campaign proceeds that convention. With Ravi Shastri, the previous Indian cricketer and coach, driving the charge, the brand is on the post for imaginative and inventive thoughts from fans to plan the another notorious scone shape. The thought is to make nibble time indeed more energizing by presenting a one of a kind, modern see to the classic biscuit.

Ravi Shastri’s association includes a touch of energy and charm to the campaign. Known for his witty commentary and enthusiastic persona, Shastri’s nearness brings an component of fun and fervor. His capacity to interface with a wide gathering of people, both youthful and ancient, makes him the idealize minister for this campaign. Shastri will not as it were advance the challenge but too offer assistance select the winning design.

Consumers can yield their imaginative bread shape thoughts through Britannia’s official site or social media channels. The brand guarantees that the most inventive and imaginative shape will be brought to life in the frame of a genuine Britannia 50-50 roll. This is a one of a kind opportunity for fans to take off their stamp on a item they love.

Britannia’s collaboration with Ravi Shastri to discover the following roll shape is an energizing and intelligently way to lock in with buyers. With such a cherished figure driving the campaign, the brand is set to make nibble time indeed more vital.