Zixa Strong Pays Tribute to Sports Physiotherapists on World Physiotherapy Day

On World Physiotherapy Day, Zixa Strong Honors Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, and Sports Rehab Specialists as the Unsung Heroes Behind Sporting Success.

Zixa Strong Pays Tribute to Sports Physiotherapists on World Physiotherapy Day

Zixa Strong, the breakthrough topical pain-relief range from Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a renowned pharmaceutical organization listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, is thrilled to launch a unique year-long initiative “Zixa Strong Champions Behind the Champions" on World Physiotherapy Day, celebrating the unsung heroes of the sports world – Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, and Sports Rehabilitation Specialists. Through this campaign, Zixa Strong aims to shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of these specialists, who often go unnoticed despite playing an invaluable role in ensuring athletes perform at their best, pain-free.

In the world of sports, while athletes grab the headlines, it is the Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, and Sports Rehabilitation Specialists who work closely and tirelessly with the athletes behind the scenes. They ensure athletes are in prime condition, managing injuries, and enhancing overall performance. These experts are instrumental in the success and longevity of athletes' careers, making them indispensable to the sports fraternity. 

"Our organization has operated in the pain management segment for decades and has been at the forefront of quality and innovation in this category. World Physiotherapy Day is a momentous occasion for Zixa Strong, and we are proud to celebrate it by acknowledging  Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, and Sports Rehabilitation Specialists as the unsung heroes behind our country’s top sporting talent,” shared Mr. Ashish U. Bhuta, Chairman & Managing Director of Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

As part of this initiative, Zixa Strong has captured the inspiring stories and journeys of some of India's most experienced Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Medicine Specialists, and Sports Rehabilitation Specialists. The campaign aims to showcase the unusual challenges they overcome, the triumphs they achieve, and the athletes whose careers they have nurtured and protected over the years, offering a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse into the unwavering commitment of these champions behind the champions. These captivating stories will be shared on social media platforms, including Hindustan Times Digital and Zixa Strong social media 
(@zixapainrelief) on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0zcJb2iugg

“This community of experts plays a pivotal role in supporting India's dreams of becoming a great sporting nation, ensuring our athletes reach their full potential on the global stage. Today, we salute these incredible individuals who work tirelessly to ensure our champions stay strong and rise again from pain while representing our nation at the highest level,” Mr Ashish U. Bhuta added.

In the run-up to World Physiotherapy Day, Zixa Strong gifted a certificate of recognition with a heartfelt thank you note along with a gift hamper for all the sports physiotherapists - a simple gesture that has been appreciated by the community.

“A wonderful initiative! Expressing gratitude to Zixa Strong for honoring sports medicine specialists, sports rehab experts, and sports physiotherapists. It's important to acknowledge and appreciate those who play a significant role in supporting athletes' health,  performance, and overall success,” shared Dr Siddharth Sakalle, MPT in Sports, Manual and MSK from Australia, Ergonomist USA, Senior Physiotherapist in Olympic Gold Quest and Chief Physiotherapist at Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy.

“We invite everyone to be a part of this remarkable journey to honor the Champions Behind The Champions - not just today, but every day! We extend a heartfelt invitation to sports physiotherapists, sports medicine specialists, and sports rehabilitation specialists to join our 'Champions Behind The Champions' initiative by writing to us on social media @zixapainrelief. Together, let us be the driving force that empowers athletes to conquer their dreams and make our nation proud, one pain-free stride at a time,” shared Nitisha Pande, Lead - Brand Communication & Collaborations, Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Do follow our campaign over the course of this year on social media (@zixapainrelief), and let us collectively recognize and appreciate the Champions Behind the Champions this World Physiotherapy Day.

About The Brand:
Zixa Strong stands at the forefront of pain relief innovation with its revolutionary Oil in Water FlashMicelle Technology, offering fast-acting and enduring relief for intense muscle and joint pains. This groundbreaking formula is not only Diclofenac-Free but also harnesses the power of 6 Powerful Plant Actives, providing a potent hot and cold therapy combination. Over the past year, the brand has collaborated with endurance athletes, leading marathons and sporting events in the capacity of an Official Pain Relief Partner which has given the brand an insider’s view of the unique support ecosystem that goes into athletic success on the field. Zixa Strong is available in 3 variants:

Fast-Acting Pain Relief Gel (55 gm - MRP Rs. 306)

Innovative Roll-On for on-the-go pain relief (55 gm - MRP Rs. 315)

Fast-Acting Spray (75 ml - MRP Rs. 324)

The Zixa Strong range is available for purchase online at www.amazon.in and directly on their e-commerce website www.zixa.co (with free shipping and delivery pan-India).

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