Apple Dominates Global Brand Value: Check the Complete Rankings Here

Visual Capitalist's report unveils the cumulative value of the globe's top 100 brands surpassing $5 trillion, emphasizing their significant economic impact and influence

Apple Dominates Global Brand Value: Check the Complete Rankings Here

In the latest rankings by Visual Capitalist, Apple has secured the top spot in the list of the most valuable brands, closely trailed by Microsoft and Google at second and third places. The rankings, sourced from Brand Finance's annual global assessment, reveal the collective value of the world's 100 most valuable brands surpassing an impressive $5 trillion.

The report delves into the intricacies of brand valuation, emphasizing the challenges in precisely determining a brand's worth. While financial regulators often overlook brand assets on balance sheets, the report underscores their pivotal role in driving shareholder value over the long term.

Apple, boasting a brand worth $516.6 billion, has experienced a remarkable surge of over $217 billion since the previous year. Despite a plateau in iPhone sales, the company's expansion into diverse product lines, including wearables and Apple TV, has contributed to this substantial increase.

On the contrary, Tesla witnessed a dip in brand value to $58.3 billion, causing it to exit the top 10 brands since the last ranking.

Brand Finance's valuation methodology involves assessing a brand's value based on the profits it generates for the company. The analysis includes individual companies and their subsidiaries, as exemplified by Meta's ownership of Instagram and WhatsApp.

Here's a glimpse of the top 10 most valuable brands globally in 2024:

1. Apple (US): $516.6 billion

2. Microsoft (US): $340.4 billion

3. Google (US): $333.4 billion

4. Amazon (US): $308.9 billion

5. Samsung Group (South Korea): $99.4 billion

6. Walmart (US): $96.8 billion

7. TikTok's Douyin (China): $84.2 billion

8. Facebook (US): $75.7 billion

9. Deutsche Telekom (Germany): $73.3 billion

10. ICBC (China): $71.8 billion